Kaua`i’s Kids Are Your Kids

Kaua`i’s Kids Are Your Kids

Remember what it was like being a teenager? Not sure where you belonged? Unsure of what the future may bring? Remember that one person who took the time to listen – really listen to your thoughts and ideas? It might have been a parent, your tutu, an auntie or an uncle, a teacher, a coach or a minister.


You can be that lifesaver. That one person who makes all the difference. Including young people in our lives can be as simple as listening and asking if they are OK.

Ten Tips to Build Youth Resilience

  • The power of hello – Say aloha to every young person you see. By simply acknowledging them, you let them know that they matter. It will make their day, and yours, too

  • Ten minutes a day – Listening to your child, or a child you care about, for 10 minutes a day, one on one, dials down their anxiety and helps children resolve their issues. Give them your undivided attention and listen to their hopes and their challenges.

  • Share family meals and celebrate your ohana – Eat 5 meals together a week. Put away all digital devices (cell phones, TVs, tablets) and share conversations and simple meals. Sharing meals means aloha, and improves health and wellness, and school performance. It also decreases depression and risky behaviors such as smoking, drinking, and drug use.

  • Limit screen time – New studies link screen time, especially social media, to increased anxiety, depression and isolation. Limiting screen time and replacing it with other social activities, such as a board game, backyard activities or a walk, is a great way to make kids feel more connected with their family and community. It will reduce their anxiety and limits their exposure to cyber-bullying.

  • Connect with Others – Help young people connect with others through community service, volunteering or other activities that are meaningful to them. This could be faith-based, beach clean-ups, helping out at an animal shelter, making dinner for Tutu, etc. Connecting with others or a higher power leads to a sense of belonging and a sense of purpose.

  • Create a favorite activity or hobby with a young person or with your family. Traditions such as Friday game night, Saturday movie nights, Sunday afternoon fishing, etc., is a fun way to show you care, and gives kids something to look forward to, especially during a more challenging week.

  • Give young people consistent jobs in the household, in school, or in the community. Help kids contribute to the family or group, develop a sense of accomplishment, learn important life skills and build a sense of pride and responsibility.

  • Solve problems with young people – Instead of telling a young person what needs to be done, involve them in problem-solving to help them develop this important life skill.

  • Help kids understand money (financial literacy) – Financial literacy is a core building block of resilience. Understanding money will help young people to plan for their future, understand what they will need to live a good quality of life, save for things they might want, and see college or career as a positive opportunity for themselves.

  • Be a child’s champion – Every child deserves someone in their corner. A champion is an adult who never gives up on a child. For all kids that you care about, praise them, speak positively about them to others, be their advocate when they get stuck, cheer for their activities, let them know how much you care.

Finally, remember to be a good role model. Remember that the youth in your life are watching what you say and do. Make them proud. With you, tomorrow is a new day. Kokua today. Kaua`i’s kids are our kids.


For more information, contact [email protected]